Dec 27, 2009
This jam just hits me as one of those OG Rolas , Doris & Kelly - "You Dont Have To Worry"
Dec 21, 2009
I thought it would be funny to do some RAT FINK style stuff but for the raza. So instead of crazy hot rods some nice ass ranflas with all the accessories.

Dec 20, 2009
So this Sunday i'm feeling some Barbara English "I Don't Deserve A Boy Like You", enjoy!
I gots to give it up to James Blagden, I'm really digging his style. Trip out on these lil short videos , really cool story on this old pitcher on LSD, and this James Brown vs Ali, Hella funny.
Dec 13, 2009
Man, I love discovering music! When I was digging up oldies on youtube for this Sunday's Oldies, I came across this cut and have been feeling it all week. So here you go, enjoy! THE MYSTICS "That's the Kind of Love."
Dec 9, 2009
Doing a painting is always challenging for me. I enjoy sketching the best, but it's a good feeling to have a finished piece on the wall and trip out on it. I'm working on this 30"x30" canvas which had acrylic, then oil, and then I put a coat of house paint on it to start over with acrylic again, I know it's ghetto but fuck it.
I got this idea to do a series about Oldies, the greatness of them, and how they get you in this certain kind of mood. I got 3 days on this one already, it's called "LA CHANCLA BURNER", it's that firme cut that gets you wanting to shake a leg and burn that chancla on the dancefloor.
I got this idea to do a series about Oldies, the greatness of them, and how they get you in this certain kind of mood. I got 3 days on this one already, it's called "LA CHANCLA BURNER", it's that firme cut that gets you wanting to shake a leg and burn that chancla on the dancefloor.

Dec 6, 2009
Ain't nothing like oldies on sundays so for now on every sunday i'm gonna throw up some sick ass jams i'm talking about those firme cuts so here we go with The Channells "You Hurt Me" (over Again)
Nov 15, 2009
Some people like to hate on GoodGuys, but no matter what people may think, their swap meet is the shit. When I was a lil teenager my uncle Jose took me to the show, and I've been hooked ever since. This last Saturday, I woke up after the "Hecho en Berkeley" art show with a lil hangover, but got my ass to the Pleasanton fairgrounds and had the best time I've ever had at the GoodGuys. I had some Tecate's with my primo LIL ONE and just kicked back cracking up on all my uncle Jose's bullshit... good times!
They had a track where you could enter your car and Tokoyo drift your ass, it was fun.

My uncle Jose actually won an award for BIGGEST JACK ASS! But there's no fucking around with his '64 El Camino, it's fucking vicious 454 madness!
Jose was hella tripping out on these OG true spokes for sale.
This '63 (below) was a Lowrider fantasy! I mean, it had everything.

Man, this '53 was a beauty!
The model car show competition was heavy...
After talking with the head chief running the model car show, he showed us a very special '56 Chevy that told a story of a man, his now wife, and the car in which he took her on a natural high as a young ruca... Ohhhhhhhhh! If you look closely at the back seat floor there's a white bra, FUUUUUUUUCK!

Nov 12, 2009
An artist by the name of Ken Davis bought a t-shirt from me at my last art show and gave me a copy of his zine. I checked it out and said fuck it, I'm gonna create my own zine. So I went on ebay and bought my ass a swingline saddle stapler yesterday. Now I'm just gathering my images to make a 10 page collection of work. Hope to have it ready to sell by the end of the month. I'll post more details later....LATER LATER... 

Nov 5, 2009
So here we go PUES ORALE blogg , Check it out this painting never made it to the DIA DE LOS MUERTOS SHOW last sunday at fivetenstudio in oakland but i'm still liking it and will wrap it up and post some pics when it's done.